January 2025
My boy Oliver (A Handsome Long hair Orange Tabby Cat)
Rob, as soon as we lost our boy Oliver I began to read your book Pets
and the Afterlife 4: Messages from Spirit Cats. I found myself needing
more and that is when I reached out to you. You were so gracious in
your willingness to help me with my profound grief and provide me
with a level of comfort after you communicated with Oliver. Your
reading that Oliver missed his blanket, never liked the leash (which as
you know was an experiment that didn’t work) and your comment
that Oliver loved having my face against his were so Oliver that it
rendered me speechless. There were so many more incites from
Oliver that only I knew yet you shared them with me after
communicating with him.
As I mentioned to you that you have a gift from God and God Bless
you for helping me attempt to get through this crushing and
devastating loss.
Johnny D.
A MEDIUM'S PET READING THANK YOU- From Medium Michelle Carpenter of New
: Zealand
A couple of months ago, you may recall that I was a guest on New Zealand Medium Michelle Carpenter's YouTube program. Sometime after the video, she reached out as her dog Star passed because she was devastated and grief was blocking Star's messages to her. So, I connected with Star and provided a reading. This is her message below.
(BTW, Please watch her videos at: https://www.youtube.com/@MichelleCarpenterMedium)
Sent: Monday, January 6, 2025 8:45 AM
From: Katie K
Subject: Re: It's here! Zoe's pet reading!
Wow, I am blown away by this reading! It answered so many curiosities I had and brought so much comfort and peace. I actually noticed a few months ago that one of my dogs (the one who was here when she was alive), sleeps up next to my head where she used to..knowing Zoe is influencing her makes it so much more special. Thank you SO much for meeting with Zoe. Katie K
Hi Rob
Here is my heartfelt message for your amazing connection with Star:-)
When we had to make the very hard decision to put our beautiful Star down on Christmas Day (my favourite day of the year), the first person that I thought about to connect with her was Rob. I am a medium myself, yet being in my grief I couldn’t connect with Star.
I was so amazed that Star was gently nudging Rob from spirit, and I was so amazed at what he brought forth in a message from her to me and my family. Rob mentioned her collar that had hearts in it and her collar was covered in hearts!! She was my therapy dog and had touched many lives with her soft and gentle nature.
Rob is truly amazing and I am honoured that the connection with Star was with Rob, I am so incredibly happy that she is running free on 4 legs now!
Thank you so much Rob.
TO FOLLOW MICHELLE: Michelle CarpenterMedium - Council of 8 Channel
APRIL 2023
- From Sheila:
Let me begin by saying that I was not skeptical, but I also truly didn’t know how I felt about having Rob do a pet reading for my daughter and myself. Thankfully, I am open minded and was willing to find out more, so I contacted him and made arrangements to connect with one of our cats that had been my daughter’s absolute love for 17 years. We lost all three of our cats last Summer- Barley on May 24th, Dori on July 14th, and Basil(Barleys brother) on August 12th. They were part of our family for 17 and 18 years, and the hole in our hearts grew bigger with each loss. Although we have adopted new kitties from shelters since, it has been difficult to get through this sadness, especially for my daughter. Mr. Gutro opened a direct pathway between Basil’s and my daughters heart as soon as we connected. He knew it was important to me to help my daughter heal, and he passed on sweet messages and assurances about concerns that were weighing on her heart. My primary request was to connect one special kitty to my daughter, but through Rob we were able to connect with the other two kitties, bringing both laughter and tears, an unexpected gift. Although we are open minded, our hearts were also truly opened during this process by a kind and generous man who gives a voice to those we are still grieving. I am grateful beyond words for the expression of love you put on my daughter’s face and the presence of peace in her heart.
March 2023
-Reading Testimonial from a Former Skeptic
Last month, I gave a #pet spirit reading to a gentleman named Mike, who was missing his pet, Sascha. He was skeptical, as we should be, and was pleasantly surprised. (Note: This dog is not the pet from the reading). Here's his note.
Thank you again Rob for the reading. I’ll be honest, I was extremely skeptical when I first thought about contacting you for a reading because I have never done such a task before and didn’t quite know what to think of it. But with you not knowing anything about me nor Sascha and being able to hit on some key things that are only known to me, I truly see the gift you have and thank you for sharing your time to help me feel closer to Sascha one last time. You truly do have a gift and I think it is a great service you provide by helping others feel close to their loved pets once more.
Sincerely, Mike B.
Rob, Thank you endlessly for this reading. Clearly, anyone who is going through this process with you is thinking about and grieving their pet, and we are no exception! The comment about Raul's strut was SPOT ON. We always used to joke that he was such an Adonis and like a male model with the best walk! He had a legendary smile and made so many people happy when they would walk by. You really hit the nail on the head with those details (and many others). Thank you so much for giving us one more experience with him! It's so comforting to know he is here and happy! You are amazing! Thanks again, Abby
SEPT 2024
Rob, Thank you so much for this. It brought many tears and relief.
[Our 2 cats] did have heart murmurs.
In regards to G, I have always referred to her as my soul cat, so it's wild that you confirmed that so many times. I actually did a past life regression and saw G. in one of my previous lives, just as you said.
[Rob's reading says the cats in spirit will send Sparrows and ducks!]
I get a ton of sparrows and never connected it! They will often sit in groups of 3 on my bedroom windowsill. We also have a window feeder and get sparrows all day long for [our 2 current cats] to watch.
Funny enough, we actually back onto a huge pond and have hundreds of ducks! I'm going to have to pay more attention to signs when I visit the ducks.
I am absolutely in awe of your gift and am so grateful for the opportunity to have this reading. It has truly brought so much peace and confirmation of so many things.
Thank you so, so much!
MARCH 11, 2023
Omg thank you so much! What a gift you have! I am going to try and find your books.
Thank you!
April 2022
I was amazed and comforted by the reading I received from Rob regarding the recent passing of my beloved cat, Bluebelle. He nailed so many details (that I did not provide him with) that I can confirm and attest to; hence I am convinced he has the gift of communication with animals in the after realm.
I was reassured that all is well with my beloved “special one” and that love indeed never truly dies but lives on both in and outside of our hearts!
Kathy H.
A True Believer
April 2022
Rob Said: "I received this wonderful email after a reading today with this handsome boy (dog): "
Thank you Rob so much!
This brought so much peace and comfort to us (and tears).
It was worth the wait!
Take care,
The world is lucky to have your talents!"
JUNE 2023
Mr. Gutro,
I’m sure you get an unreadable amount if replies, but I truly wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for my pet reading with Bandit. Your reading has confirmed things and brought much joy to me and my family. Bandit has been gone for many years and we all STILL miss her so much. Your reading was spot on and you stated things that shook me to my core (in a beautiful spiritual way). Best of luck with your move across the country; I knew Bandit would come to you in a place like your kitchen she was a huge mooch up until the day she passed! I will tell everyone about the incredible gift you have and how much you have made our hearts whole again. I cried my eyes out listening to your episode on the ‘Unsolved Mysteries Podcast’ and was a blubbering mess reading your email! THANK YOU!
Hi Rob. First and foremost, the reading for Blondie was absolutely inspiring and very, very insightful with so much insightful information. I want to thank you so much! My mother just passed and I've been saying that she's taking care of Blondie and you confirmed that. The date of her death was 11/11 and her birthday was 4/4. And Blondie IS an ornament angel at the top of our Christmas tree. She was also my Christmas present and I got her as a puppy on Christmas Eve and that's when she came to you. I wanted you to know how spot on everything was, and how you gave me hope that we will be together again someday. NIcole
JUNE 2023
Hi Rob,
Thanks so much for the early reading. Losing Yoda and Yeti, and the weeks leading to it, were incredibly difficult on both of us. Your email helped so much to put our minds at easy. We both still miss them everyday, but knowing they're together and that we'll see them again helps a lot!
I'm just so amazed at how everything you said makes a lot of sense. You described their personalities perfectly! Yoda (siamese) was always the loving/cuddly one, while Yeti (white) was a stubborn one with an attitude.
Yoda had a really bad case of pancreatitis and Yeti had a very aggressive liver cancer. It makes sense you're feeling pain on your kidneys since all those organs are very close together. What actually killed Yoda was a blood clot in his brain, I believe that's why you felt a headache.
The woman in spirit you talked about sounds like my grandmother Maria! She passed a few years ago and loved all of our cats. I'm so glad she was there to help and comfort them! And if she was there, I'm sure my grandpa was too! He was a huge animal lover, but sadly he never met any of the cats.
Again, We're just so amazed at everything you said. Thank you so much for this! I'll for sure read your books, I want to learn more about this.I'll be looking forward to seeing them in my dreams.
Hope you have a great week!
Marcos and Caroline.
March 2022
Brittany Govindasamy
recommends Rob Gutro -
(via Facebook post)
I just received Rob's message from our sweet boy Jack Daniels. The reading was quite long & extremely thorough. Rob knew things about our sweet boy that no one outside of family could know.
Thank you, Rob!
You brought peace & closure to
my daughter & I.
March 2022 Jennifer Mossor Ciccarelli recommends Rob Gutro - (via Facebook post) ·
Rob did a reading for me and my dog Zoe who passed away. He knew so much that he had no way of knowing.
He relieved me of so much guilt from having to help her across the rainbow bridge.
If you have any doubts, DON’T!! He is the real thing and I will be forever grateful to him for speaking to her ❤️❤️❤️
VANN ' The Mouse Sign"
January 2022
"I discovered Rob through the Unexplained Mysteries podcast in October, about six months after my elderly cat passed away. I heard his methods and felt convinced due to his insistence that pets communicated with him through visual and tactile methods rather than any sort of audible language. This felt different and more genuine than when most might hear of someone communicating with spirits, animal or human. This convinced me that he truly must be feeling something strong in his readings. After that podcast I could not get a reading scheduled quickly enough. The appointment was scheduled out around three months but nothing has ever been so worth the wait than to hear from my beloved boy again after nearly a year without him. Rob mentioned to me a desire that my cat wanted his toy mouse to sit on my desk with his photos. I hung this collage of him above my desk two days after his passing to keep his memory. Rob picked up this information with nothing more than a name and photo of my boy. That is how I knew that he really was here after he passed away. To have known those were there. I immediately put a toy mouse up on the desk to keep him occupied and I've felt lighter since that moment. I haven't felt this much peace since he left me that day. Eternally grateful for Rob and his willingness to share his abilities for the sake of animal lovers everywhere. Vann"
NINA "Stopped in my Tracks"
February 2022: from Nina
Rob, Thank you so much for this.
This brings an immense amount of comfort and peace and I can’t thank you enough.
There were things you mentioned that stopped me in my tracks…
I hope to see her again one day ❤️.
I will forever be grateful and bless you for your gift.
Thanks again, Nina
Wow!! Rob you really picked up on who my boy was. He definitely had asthma(coughing) and he had kidney disease and passed from heart failure I believe.
This reading gave me so much comfort knowing he's so happy and at peace.
It's funny you mentioned him tickling your neck. His sleeping spot was on my pillow and his tail would tickle my neck. I still feel it sometimes. I've also felt what I thought was one of the other cats jump on the bed but it must have been him cause no one is there.
My grandma was the clothes maker and this validated another reading I had that he is with her in spirit.
I don't think I have heard the bird you are talking about but I will be sure to listen more carefully when. I'm outside :)
The thing that really got me was him rubbing his face with his left paw. He used to do this alot and Miggy does it now too! I knew it was him that taught Miggy that.
Anyways I just wanted to give you my most heartfelt thank you. Your gift is truly special and this meant the world to me to be able to connect with my Shane in this way. It's been a rough grieving process as he was so special to me.
Thanks again,
JASON WROTE: September 27, 2021
Rob has given me a true gift. When my Sam Dog died all I wanted was to hear him in the night. I wanted to see an imprint on my bedspread. I wanted to hear his paws clicking on the floors, but they were not there. Sam was with me through some very hard times and some very great times.
I heard Rob on the Afraid of Nothing podcast and so I reached out to him. Rob was responsive, kind, and understanding. It's been almost a year since I got a reading from Rob. He has given me a connection to Sam that I return to durning the times I miss him most.
The information Rob received from Sam was personal, true, and heartwarming. I would definitely recommend contacting Rob if you miss your loved ones.
Thank you Rob for all that you do. Jason C.
April 2022
I first heard about Rob and his gift in “Pets & the Afterlife,” an episode from the Unsolved Mysteries podcast. When my dog Turkey passed away in December of 2021, I reached out to Rob and hoped that my request for a pet spirit reading wouldn’t be lost in his inbox. Thankfully, Rob responded to me promptly, which quelled my fear. Due to high demand, I did not receive my pet spirit reading until the end of April 2022. I can assure you that it was worth the wait. If my numerous questions overwhelmed Rob, he showed no indication. Out of all my questions, there were 3 responses that Rob gave me that confirmed my belief in his gift. I asked whose Turkey’s least favorite person was. Rob told me that it was a man about my age who came to visit, and she didn’t trust him nor like him much. I rarely had visitors, especially men, which is why I initially had trouble figuring out who this was. After some thinking, I remembered that she had only met one man about my age who came to visit. I asked if my boyfriend had ever been mean to Turkey. Rob responded that according to Turkey, my boyfriend had only been mean to her once in the beginning but that she had set him straight. During the first week that my boyfriend and Turkey lived together, he played with her ears, and she did not like that at all. This was the first and only time that Turkey ever growled at my boyfriend, and he made sure to be extra careful never to upset her again. I asked if Turkey knew it was her time to go, to which Rob responded that Turkey told him she did. Rob told me that Turkey was tired, her body ached from her right front paw to her right rear leg, and that she had some pain in her chest area. While the pain from her right front paw towards her right rear leg was a huge surprise to me, Turkey did have some joint issues and sometimes did not walk on her right rear leg. She also had a heart murmur, and we were unsure if it was benign, but that would have explained the pain in her chest. No one noticed any signs that Turkey was in pain, not even the vet. But as it turns out, Turkey must have always hidden her pain because she never made a peep, even when we knew she was extremely ill near the end of her life. Rob’s response solidified my belief in his gift because I never mentioned any details about her illnesses. I made the decision to euthanize Turkey, and I beat myself up endlessly. I was devastated at the idea that maybe her heart murmur was benign and that she could have survived surgery. It seems like that may not have been the case and that she knew it was her time to go. Rob, my family and I cannot thank you enough. Thank you so much! Thank you for your genuine kindness. You helped me find the closure I so desperately sought, and for that, I am forever grateful. Thank you for using your gift to help pet parents like me and for making the world a better place.
February 2022: from Jennifer about her reading with her dog Vegas
Rob Gutro’s reading was so amazingly accurate, it brought me to tears.
I think I finally have the closure I needed in losing my beautiful dog Vegas. It’s been 2 1/2 years of guilt and horrendous grief, as I had to make the decision for Vegas to take his journey on the other side of the rainbow bridge. Rob has a beautiful gift to be able to communicate with animals in heaven.
I can’t thank him enough for connecting with my sweet Vegas, and for letting me know that Vegas is still with me, and knew it was his time when I I had to make that decision.
Thank you so much for connecting with Vegas,
I am forever grateful! Jennifer
November 2021 A reading about two special cats: Thank you so much, I can’t tell you what this means to me. The loss of both these animals was devastating to me. So much of what you said is spot on. I really appreciate what you were able to do for me.Holly
Jul 11, 2021 Wow. That’s my baby. I miss him so much. You were spot on. I got him when he was 8 weeks old and he loved until he was 14... Thank you very much for your beautiful gift and service. Warm Regards, Kerry W.
November 2021
"I would have waited years for this - thank you.
Franny passed away last month at just 8 months old, mere days after being diagnosed with bone marrow failure and to say that it was devastating would be an understatement;
This reading has brought me a kind of comfort I wasn't sure I would find."
February 2022
Thank you so much for communicating Mattie's message to us, we are eternally grateful.
Your gift is extremely special and we are very appreciative that you shared it with us.
The message was so full of information and details that were surprising and happy for us.
February 2022
THANK YOU! Your note has brought me such joy and comfort. I will be forever grateful to you for sharing your spiritual gift.
Your descriptions are absolutely spot on!
Mostly I am happy to know she is safe with my dad and our two other dogs from my childhood. I can't wait to share this with the family.
Thank you again. Sincerely, Marilou
Jul 25, 2021
1) Thank you so much for contacting my sweet boy Salem! Everything you said was spot on. What a gift!
Sincerely, Tanya R
Jul 11, 2021
2) My Dear Mr. Gutro No sir you are the one with a kind and caring heart. It jumps out of your writing. Again sir you have filled me with a sense of calm.
What a gift you possess. You are spot on.
Sincerely, Dorian M.
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